
TBE CrossFit – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM x 5

Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean + Power Clean (Video)

50% Across of estimated 1RM Clean

EMOM x 5

1 Power Clean

Climb in weight to find a Heavy Single for Day

Ascending Ladder for 7 Minutes:

1 Power Clean (155/105), 30 Double-Unders

2 Power Clean (155/105), 30 Double-Unders

3 Power Clean (155/105), 30 Double-Unders

Continue to add (1) Power Clean per round until time is called.
Record 7 min AMRAP, put power clean score in comment box.

Note on “Heavy Single”…

A heavy is the load an athlete can move with *exceptional* form. Imagine the athlete is going to be videotaped on CrossFit.com as a movement demo. Our goal is to have our athletes move better today, not to find a 1-rep max. Those days, to go for a max, come at another time. We don’t get better by maxing out – our technique actually tends to be the worst there. We get better today by focusing on moving our best, and that’s with a challenging, but sub-maximal load.
